25.10.2022 | Press releases

Lithium extraction from water – A new continuous and cost-effective process has the world’s oceans in its sights

Researchers at INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, Germany, in collaboration with scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, have developed a new electrochemical process for extracting lithium ions from seawater. In ACS Energy Letters, the German-Chinese team led by Prof. Volker Presser presents the process, which on the one hand, requires little energy input and, on the other hand, ensures continuous separation of lithium.

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05.10.2022 | News

Volker Presser receives Zhaowu Tian Prize for Energy Electrochemistry

Congratulations to INM Group Leader Professor for receiving the 2022 Zhaowu Tian Prize for Energy Electrochemistry. This outstanding award by the International Society of Electrochemistry recognizes his achievements in the field of electrochemistry for energy.
The list of former awardees ranges from Xiangfeng Duan (2017), Fabio la Mantia (2018), Zhichuan (Jason) Xu (2019), to Joaquín Rodríguez-López (2021).

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02.10.2022 | News

Congratulations to Lola González-García

Congratulations to Dr. Lola González-García, Head of the Program Division Electrofluids, for receiving the “Best Oral Presentation” award. She received the award for her talk on “Sinter-free inks of metal-polymer hybrid particles for printed electronics,” which she gave at the 16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Nano 2022, in Seville.

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18.05.2022 | News

The INM at the Open Day of Saarland University


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16.05.2022 | News

DFG-Nachwuchsakademie “Engineered Living Materials”

The Nachwuchsakademie “Engineered Living Materials” is a DFG workshop for early-career investigators in Engineered Living Materials funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). For more information, see the website!

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20.04.2022 | Press releases

Self-Assembly of Particles with Rough Edges: Polyhedrons with Potential for New Materials

In many processes in nature and industry, small objects form ordered layers in liquids on solid surfaces. Standard models describe the objects as spheres with homogeneous surfaces, but many particles have flattened sides – for example, if they are made of metal. Scientists at the INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken and the University of Sydney have recently shown that such polyhedral particles form completely different structures than spherical particles. The properties of the resulting materials, and potentially their recyclability, are also distinct. The results of the research cooperation have now been published in the renowned journal Advanced Materials.

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18.04.2022 | News

Engineered Living Materials: Understanding Bacterial Behavior in Confinement

Advanced Science published the first experimental paper tackling deep fundamental aspects of bacterial behavior in engineered living materials by INM authors Shardul Bhusari, Shrikrishnan Sankaran, and Aránzazu del Campo. Link: https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202106026

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04.04.2022 | Press releases

Eduard Arzt awarded for scientific understanding between the USA and Europe

Eduard Arzt, Professor of New Materials at Saarland University and Scientific Director of the INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials, was awarded the highest distinction of the TMS – The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society on the occasion of a research visit to the USA. At the invitation of the University of California in San Diego, he gave the Stanford S. and Beverly P. Penner Distinguished Lecture.

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17.03.2022 | Press releases

Hohe Speicherkapazität und kurze Ladezeit – Die Nanowelt zwischen Batterie und Kondensator eröffnet neue Perspektiven

Superkondensatoren und Batterien sind Energiespeichertypen mit unterschiedlichen Vorteilen. Während Batterien mit hohen Speicherkapazitäten punkten, überzeugt bei den Superkondensatoren die kurze Ladezeit. Gibt es Schnittmengen bei den zugrundeliegenden Technologien? Lassen sich die Vorteile aus beiden Welten verbinden? Damit beschäftigt sich das Autorenteam um Prof. Volker Presser vom Saarbrücker Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien (INM) und Dr. Simon Fleischmann, Helmholtz-Institut Ulm (HIU), in ihrem Perspektivartikel im renommierten Wissenschaftsjournal Nature Energy.

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