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30.04.2021 | Press releases

Living Materials – The stuff the future is made of? International conference “Engineered Living Materials” paves the way

Self-ventilating sportswear, self-healing concrete walls, bio-plastics that dissolve after use, or implants for the long-term and personalized delivery of drugs to the body are just a few examples of the application of so-called “living materials”. The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Living Therapeutic Materials” based in Saarbrücken is dedicating this four-day international conference “Engineered Living Materials” to the […]

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03.03.2021 | Press releases

Biodegradable Soft Robots Mimic Plant Seeds to Monitor Soil and Air Quality

The INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken is a partner in the EU project I-Seed. The goal of the project is to develop intelligent plant seed-inspired soft robots that disperse on and in the soil to monitor soil and climate parameters.

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24.02.2021 | Press releases

Simulation leads to new insights: INM Fellow provides theoretical insights into adhesive systems

The INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials names Martin Müser as its sixth INM Fellow. The professor of materials simulation is the first materials scientist at Saarland University with whom INM is cooperating more closely in this way. He uses simulations to investigate how to improve adhesive structures.

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17.02.2021 | Press releases

Removing space debris with Gecko technology – successful tests onboard the ISS

Thousands of tons of space debris are currently orbiting the Earth, and the number is growing. Most of it is the remnants of completed space missions or decommissioned satellites. The dangerous thing about it is that even centimeter-sized pieces can cause immense damage in a collision with active satellites, spacecraft, and space stations.

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16.02.2021 | Press releases

US Excellence in Adhesion Award for Eduard Arzt

Professor of New Materials and Scientific Director and Chairman of the INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials Eduard Arzt will receive the “Excellence in Adhesion Award” of the American Adhesion Society on February 22, 2021. The award ceremony will include an honorary colloquium at the annual meeting of the Adhesion Society with a keynote […]

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09.01.2021 | Press releases

Electrofluids conduct electricity in soft electronics – ERC Starting Grant for a new research group at INM

Since January 1, 2021, the junior research group “Electrofluids” at INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken has been investigating unusual electrically conductive materials. Dr. Lola González-García, head of the new group, was awarded a Starting Grant of 1.5 million Euros by the European Research Council (ERC) last year.

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02.12.2020 | Press releases

Two Humboldt Fellows Conduct Research at INM

With the Humboldt Research Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables outstandingly qualified young researchers from all over the world to realize their projects in Germany. The INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials is currently hosting two Humboldt fellows who are carrying out their personal research projects in cooperation with INM scientists.

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26.11.2020 | Press releases

INM junior scientist receives Leibniz PhD prize for research on electrochemical water desalination

How can undrinkable water be purified of salts and pollutants so that it becomes drinking water? Dr. Pattarachai Srimuk’s doctoral thesis researched electrochemical methods and materials that can remove large quantities of unwanted substances. For his outstanding doctoral thesis, the Leibniz Association awarded the young scientist the Leibniz Promotion Prize 2020

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23.11.2020 | Press releases

Lithium recovery from mine water: Coal mining meets electromobility

What do coal mining and electromobility have in common? At first glance: very little! Coal mining is a thing of the past and ended in Saarland in 2012. Electric cars are the future and gradually replace the current fleet of internal combustion vehicles. Yet, both are connected by lithium.

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29.04.2020 | Press releases

Water purification and energy storage: INM authors publish in High-Impact Journal of the Nature series

Given the more than two billion people worldwide who have no access to clean drinking water, the purification of salty or contaminated water is of global importance.

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14.04.2020 | Press releases

Third Generation Electrochemical Water Desalination: Saarbrücken Researchers present novel method

Volker Presser, head of the program division Energy Materials at INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken and professor for Energy Materials at Saarland University, has achieved a breakthrough in the field of electrochemical water desalination with his research group.

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17.02.2020 | Press releases

Prestigious US-American awards for Saarbrücken materials researcher Eduard Arzt

The Scientific Director of INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials and Professor for New Materials at Saarland University, Eduard Arzt, was elected as an International Member by the United States National Academy of Engineering. With this, Arzt receives one of the highest scientific awards in the USA.

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