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21.03.2019 | Press releases

Hannover Messe: “Soft Cobot” – First implementation of Gecomer® Technology in a Collaborative Robot

Scientists at the INM present a Cobot for the first time which is equipped with microstructured surfaces for the handling of objects. Because these structures are very soft and have no sharp corners or edges, the risk of injury to humans is further reduced.

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20.03.2019 | Press releases

Hannover Messe: Self-healing coating made of corn starch makes small scratches disappear through heat

Due to the special arrangement of its molecules, a new coating made of corn starch is able to repair small scratches by itself through heat: The cross-linking via ring-shaped molecules makes the material mobile, so that it compensates for the scratches and these disappear again.

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19.03.2019 | Press releases

Hannover Messe: Additive printing processes for flexible touchscreens: increased materials and cost efficiency

The INM has developed new processes with photochemical metallization and printing (gravure printing, inkjet printing) of transparent conductive oxides (TCOs), which are significantly more time- and cost-saving.

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18.03.2019 | Press releases

Hannover Messe: Conductive metal-polymer inks for inkjet printing: flexible electronics without sintering

At this year’s Hannover Messe, INM will be presenting hybrid inks that are suitable for printing conductive structures on thin polymer films or paper, for example.

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29.01.2019 | Press releases

Feather structure and bone anatomy as a biomimetic model for new adhesives and flying objects – scientists discover universal principles of evolution

Researchers from INM and the University of California, San Diego found that the length of the humerus bone varies in a characteristic way with the body weight of the bird to optimize lift. By contrast, the elements of the feather attachments (barbules) are spaced equally for all bird species to optimally control airflow.

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10.12.2018 | Press releases

Proteins imaged in graphene liquid cell have higher radiation tolerance

Scientists at INM developed a highly improved microscopy method to study proteins in hydrated state: The usage of a graphene liquid cell for transmission electron microscopy of proteins resulted in an order of magnitude higher radiation tolerance of a protein sample compared to samples in amorphous ice.

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15.11.2018 | Press releases

Leibniz-Chair for Robert M. McMeeking

The internationally renowned materials scientist Robert M. McMeeking is appointed Leibniz Chair for his collaboration with the INM. With this award, the INM and the Leibniz Association honor the long-standing and successful cooperation between the professor of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Leibniz Institute.

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12.11.2018 | Press releases

Like the earthworm: new breathing material lubricates itself when needed

Earthworms are always clean, even if they come from moist, sticky soil. They owe this to a dirt-repellent, lubricating layer, which forms itself again and again on its skin. Researchers at INM have now artificially recreated this system of nature.

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27.09.2018 | Press releases

CISCEM 2018 – What can Electron Microscopy do today?

How to visualize proteins in cells? How to investigate catalytic processes and dynamic behavior of nanomaterials at around 300,000x magnification? Some 100 experts from all over the world will address these questions at this year’s CISCEM .

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