Leibniz Science Campus Living
Therapeutic Materials

The Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM), the Saarland University (UdS) and the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) grounded the Leibniz Science Campus “Living Therapeutic Materials” on July 1st, 2020. The LSC is co-funded by the Leibniz Association, the Regional State of Saarland and the partner institutions. Due to a successful prolongation proposal to the ‘Division Leibniz Competition Procedure’, the second four-year funding period began on October 1st and will continue until 2028.

Research at the LSC is dedicated to the design of self-regulated and self-replenishing drug delivery systems for long-term and personalized administration of biopharmaceuticals. For this purpose, the biomaterials competence at INM, the generic engineering power at HIPS and the medical, biotechnology and bioinformatics expertise at the UdS are synergistically integrated in cooperative projects within the LSC platform.

The LSC is organized as a graduate school where more than 20 young scientists perform interdisciplinary research between the partner institutions. They also take part in a structured program for special training at the interface between materials science, synthetic biology and medicine.

Leibniz Science Campi are a strategic networking instrument of the Leibniz Association within the German scientific landscape. They support research on specific topics based on local networks between Leibniz institutes and universities and other research organizations.

Contact at INM:

Prof. Dr. Aránzazu del Campo
Speaker of the Leibniz Science
Campus „Living Therapeutic

Scientific Director at INM / Leibniz
Institute for New Materials
Phone: 0681-9300-501
[email protected]

Dr. Shrikrishnan Sankaran
Scientific Coordinator of the Leibniz
Science Campus „Living Therapeutic

Head Bioprogrammable Materials at
the INM / Leibniz Institute for New Materials
Phone: +49 (0)681-9300-167
[email protected]

Dr. Hannah Jahn-Kelleter
Scientific Manager /
Dynamic Biomaterials Group at the INM
Phone: +49 (0)681-9300-384
[email protected]