TechTransferDay: Smart Contact Lenses – Embedded Technologies beyond Vision


Tomorrow’s contact lenses will leverage our capabilities to perceive and interact with the world around us. Augmented reality contact lenses will enable navigation and communication without the need of visible hardware. Contact lenses that sense, monitor and treat diseases will open new paradigms for health management and personalized therapies while being imperceptible to the wearer. Although many of these technologies have reached the prototype phase, their translation into viable commercial devices is not trivial. New functions need to be integrated into devices of highest comfort and ecologically responsible manufacture to ensure widespread consumer adoption.

We invite industry leaders to join us and discuss the opportunities and challenges in this field, and to form collaborations for the successful translation of smart contact lens technologies into everyday use. In seminars and discussion tables, we will explore the latest advances in device design, technology integration and materials engineering.
Register today and be part of the future of contact lenses!

Please note: We also offer to join the lectures online. Please indicate this on your registration form.
We will send you the link to the event in due time.

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  • REGISTRATION FEE for on-site or online participation: 200 EUR


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