Leibniz President Martina Brockmeier visits INM

On June 27th, the President of the Leibniz Association, Prof. Martina Brockmeier, paid a visit to the INM. She brought along inspiring discussions and valuable food for thought. The INM management was delighted to have the opportunity to speak with her about the challenges of the coming years. INM doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers also benefited from her visit and exchanged thoughts with her regarding the specific situation of young researchers in academia.

At the conclusion of her visit, INM scientists presented selected research projects directly in the laboratory. Whether it was energy-efficient water purification combined with energy storage, biodegradable soft robots, or separately recyclable electronics in plastic – the Leibniz President was impressed by the fact that sustainability is an important topic for material design and methods at INM.

Many thanks to Martina Brockmeier and Viktoria Peymann, responsible for politics and consulting in the President’s office, for their visit to INM and the valuable exchange.