INM successfully evaluated

We are very pleased with the Senate of the Leibniz Association’s recommendation to continue funding the INM through federal and state resources for another seven years. In its statement following the regular scientific evaluation, the Senate confirmed on March 18 that the INM has developed excellently both structurally and scientifically since the last evaluation. The institute is excellently managed and achieves very good, in some cases outstanding, research results that receive strong international recognition. The Senate also highlights the excellent collaboration with Saarland University, the University Hospital, and non-university research institutions in Saarbrücken. The institute also engages in intensive cooperation with national and international scientific institutions and companies. Furthermore, the Senate welcomes the further development of technology transfer as well as the institute’s strategic planning.

Read the complete statement (in German)

“The research and scientific infrastructure institutions that have joined the Leibniz Association receive joint funding from the federal and state governments due to their supra-regional significance and overarching scientific and political interest, independently of universities. At regular intervals, at least every seven years, the federal and state governments review whether the conditions for joint funding of a Leibniz institution continue to be met.

(Excerpt of the Preamble to the Senate statement, March 18, 2025; translated from German to English)