Junior female scientist at INM wins L’Oréal-Unesco „For Women in Science“ grant

The Postdoctoral scientist Malgorzata Wlodarczyk-Biegun from the program division Dynamic Biomaterials at the INM has been distinguished with the L’Oréal-Unesco „For Women in Science“ Award.

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This Award is given in cooperation with the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung. It provides funding to support to Wlodarczyk-Biegun’s scientific career and conciliation with her family obligations being a mother of a two-years-old daughter.

The L’Oréal award, endowed with 20,000 euros, will support personal coaching for career development, family friendly projects at INM and also household help to the female researcher. Wlodarczyk-Biegun is one of three scientists in Germany, to whom the award was given this year. The price ceremony will take place in Berlin on 4 June within the international conference „Global female Leaders“.

Wlodarczyk-Biegun is a biomedical engineer working at INM since May 2016. She developes three-dimensional scaffolds for cell growth that recreate the properties of the matrix in natural tissues. Using 3D Bioprinting technologies, she combines different materials and cell types to model the complex multicellular and patterned structure of natural tissues. The young scientist develops advanced bioinks from degradable polymers whose properties can be tailor-made and varied on–demand to meet the dynamic character of natural cellular microenvironments.

Wlodarzcyk-Biegun studied Biomedical Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. She specialized in biomaterials.
Her master thesis was awarded as the best one in Poland by the Polish Association of Biomedical Engineering in 2011. She moved to Wageningen University, the Netherlands, to work on her PhD in the field of biomaterials and protein engineering. She graduated in 2016, shortly after the birth of her daughter and moved to INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials for her postdoctoral stay in 2016. She was selected to join the Mentoring Program of the Leibniz Association for Women Scientists in 2017, an exclusive program to support excellent young female scientists in their step to independent scientific career.


Loreal FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE 2018 Dr. Malgorzata Katarzyna Wlodarczyk-BiegunCopyright: Peter Böttcher/L’Oréal.
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Background and further information


Founded in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science partnership was created to recognize and promote women in science. Its programs reward established women scientists whose outstanding achievements have contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge and of its benefits to society and provide support to promising young women who are already making significant contributions in their scientific disciplines.

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