Scientific publications

Design and construction of synthetic gene networks in mammalian cells

Karlsson, M. | Weber, Wilfried | Fussenegger, M.

Methods in molecular biology , 2012, 813 359-376.

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Therapeutic synthetic gene networks

Karlsson, M. | Weber, Wilfried

Current Opinion in Biotechnology , 2012, 23 (5), 703-711.

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Synthetic gene networks as Blueprint for smart hydrogels

Kämpf, M. M. | Weber, Wilfried

Methods in molecular biology , 2012, 813 377-389.

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Rewiring and dosing of systems modules as a design approach for synthetic mammalian signaling networks

Kämpf, M. M. | Engesser, R. | Busacker, M. | Hörner, M. | Karlsson, M. | Zurbriggen, M. D. | Fussenegger, M. | Timmer, J. | Weber, Wilfried

Molecular BioSystems , 2012, 8 (6), 1824-1832.

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Synthetic mammalian gene networks as a blueprint for the design of interactive biohybrid materials

Jakobus, K. | Wend, S. | Weber, Wilfried

Chemical Society Reviews , 2012, 41 (3), 1000-1018.

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Molecular switches in animal cells

Hörner, M. | Weber, Wilfried

FEBS Letters , 2012, 586 (15), 2084-2096.

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Synthetic biology: Programming cells for biomedical applications

Hörner, M. | Reischmann, N. | Weber, Wilfried

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine , 2012, 55 (4), 490-502.

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Mussel-mimetic tissue adhesive for fetal membrane repair: An ex vivo evaluation

Haller, C. M. | Buerzle, W. | Kivelio, A. | Perrini, M. | Brubaker, C. E. | Gubeli, R. J. | Mallik, A. S. | Weber, Wilfried | Messersmith, P. B. | Mazza, E. | Ochsenbein-Koelble, N. | Zimmermann, R. | Ehrbar, M.

Acta Biomaterialia , 2012, 8 (12), 4365-4370.

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Synthesis and characterization of PEG-based drug-responsive biohybrid hydrogels

Gübeli, R. J. | Ehrbar, M. | Fussenegger, M. | Friedrich, C. | Weber, Wilfried

Macromolecular Rapid Communications , 2012, 33 (15), 1280-1285.

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The food additive vanillic acid controls transgene expression in mammalian cells and mice

Gitzinger, M. | Kemmer, C. | Fluri, D. A. | Daoud El-Baba, M. | Weber, Wilfried | Fussenegger, M.

Nucleic Acids Research , 2012, 40 (5),

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