Aleeza-Farrukh, INM – Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien gGmbH

Prof. Dr. Roland Bennewitz

Head of Interactive Surfaces
Phone: +49 (0)681-9300-213


Schmieren und schalten mit flüssigen Salzen

Hausen, Florian | Bennewitz, Roland

Nachrichten aus der Chemie , 2014, 62 (6), 620-622.

Do you see atoms? An interdisciplinary class on atomic force microscopy and the philosophy of imaging

Bennewitz, Roland | Strobach, Niko

Journal of Nano Education , 2014, 6 (1), 30-38.

Impact of van der Waals interactions on single asperity friction

Lessel, Matthias | Loskill, Peter | Hausen, Florian | Gosvami, Nitya Nand | Bennewitz, Roland | Jacobs, Karin

Physical Review Letters , 2013, 111 (3), 035502.

Reconstruction of surface potential from Kelvin probe force microscopy images

Cohen, Gilad | Halpern, Eliezer | Nanayakkara, Sanjini U. | Luther, Joseph M. | Held, Christian | Bennewitz, Roland | Boag, Amir | Rosenwaks, Yossi

Nanotechnology , 2013, 24 (29), 295702.

Effects of single asperity geometry on friction and wear of PEEK

Pei, Xian-Qiang | Bennewitz, Roland | Busse, Michael | Schlarb, Alois K.

Wear , 2013, 304 (1-2), 109-117.

Friction and atomic-layer-scale wear of graphitic lubricants on SiC(0001) in dry sliding

Wählisch, Felix | Hoth, Judith | Held, Christian | Seyller, Thomas | Bennewitz, Roland

Wear , 2013, 300 (1-2), 78-81.

Stochastic noise in atomic force microscopy

Labuda, Aleksander | Lysy, Martin | Paul, William | Miyahara, Yoichi | Grütter, Peter | Bennewitz, Roland | Sutton, Mark

Physical Review E , 2012, 86 (3), 031104.

Temporal development of indentation plasticity on the atomic scale revealed by force microscopy

Egberts, Philip | Gralla, Robert | Bennewitz, Roland

Physical Review B , 2012, 86 (3), 035446.

Friction model for single-asperity elastic-plastic contacts

Mishra, Maneesh | Egberts, Philip | Bennewitz, Roland | Szlufarska, Izabela

Physical Review B , 2012, 86 (4), 045452.

Discharge during detachment of micro-structured PDMS sheds light on the role of electrostatics in adhesion

Brörmann, Katrin | Burger, Karin | Jagota, Anand | Bennewitz, Roland

Journal of Adhesion , 2012, 88 (7), 589-607.

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