Engineered Living Materials 2021

04.05.2021 Virtual (Central European Summer Time CEST)
04.05.2021 , Virtual (Central European Summer Time CEST)

Die Engineered Living Materials Conference wird organisiert vom Leibniz ScienceCampus Living Therapeutic Materials. Die erste Konferenz fand im Februar 2020 in Saarbrücken statt. Die zweite wird nun in virtueller Form durchgeführt.

A new paradigm in material synthesis is emerging, in which living cells are incorporated into non-living matter to augment it with programmable, life-like capabilities. This results from the integration of synthetic biology tools in materials research and promises to deliver a whole new generation of high-performance material systems. Engineered Living Materials open new avenues for more sustainable material production and advanced property combinations like integrated multifunctionality, adaptability, resilience, or evolvability.
The Second International Conference Engineered Living Materials 2021 will bridge materials science with the synthetic biology, biotechnology, and biophysics communities to discuss the compositional and technical challenges for a functional marriage of non-living matter and living components, and the experimental and computational solutions to realize them.

Due to the pandemic situation, the conference will take place in a virtual format with a reduced program. We will organize some life and some recorded sessions to keep discussion possibilities in spite of the time differences across the continents. The number of participants is limited to 200.