Das Particle-Based Materials Symposium bringt bereits seit fünf Jahren junge Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aus verschiedenen Gemeinschaften zusammen, die alle das Ziel verfolgen, mit Hilfe von Partikeln Funktionalität in Materialien zu schaffen.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Anmeldung hier.
The Particle-Based Materials Symposium is a small workshop that has, in the last 5 years, brought together (mainly) young scientists and engineers from different communities that all share the goal of creating functionality in materials using particles.
As in 2020, the PBM Symposium will be organized virtually. It will take place as a zoom meeting on November 30, 2021, between 8:50 am and 2:00 pm CET. Participation is free of charge.
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08:50 Welcome and Introduction
- 09:00
“Building Soft Plasmonics with Monodispersed Nanocrystals”
Wenlong Cheng
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia - 09:35
„Electrochemical Investigation of Particle-Based Catalysts for Energy Conversion“
Anna Mechler
RWTH Aachen University, Germany - 10:10
„Crossing the Valley of Death: From Fundamental to Applied Research in Electrolysis“
Ulf-Peter Apfel
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 10:45
„From Supracolloidal Structures to Optical and Electronic Devices“
Andreas Fery
Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden, Germany - 10:55 Bring-your-own-coffee break
- 11:10
„Polymer ligand stabilized nanoparticles: From absorption kinetics to tunable aspect ratio particles“
Matthias Karg
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany - 11:45
„Active matter – using photochemistry to create motion on the microscale“
Juliane Simmchen
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany - 12:20
Valeria Nicolosi
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland - 12:55
„Laser as a tool for synthesis of metal and hybrid metal-carbon
functional nanomaterials“
Alina Manshina
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
13:30 Conclusion